
Cuccioli disponibili!!!

We have puppies!!!

Wir haben WElpen!!!


5 males & 10 females

Alcune femmine e maschi ancora disponibili!

A few males and females are looking for a new home!

Reservierungen für Rüden und Hündinnen möglich!

National show Lagos, Nigeria: Val di Vetro Gold Standard reached Best Puppy in Show!!!

Fiore passed BH/VT!!!

Prova di Lavoro Sez. Venturina


Val di Vetro Elio & Ella passed their BH/VT!!!

Cora passed her ENCI2!!!

ZTP Waidring 2024

Foksamita passed her ZTP with V1A!!! 

Judge: Armin Hoppe

CAC Stolberg 2024


Exc. 1, CAC res. 

Intermediate Class

Judge: Hassi Assenmacher-Feyel

Foksamita & Fedora passed the BH/VT in Austria!!!

Lotta received the title Champion of Poland!!!

KCM NDC 2024 (NL)

Fati Amor

Exc. 1, Intermediate Class



Exc. 2 Intermediate Class

Baronessa Bruna is International Champion!!!

aiad sieger Aaron J'arun is still dcm free!!!

111. CACIB Luxemburg 2024

Val di Vetro Fiore

Exc. 1, CACL Intermediate Class


Queen Qarlotta van het Wantij

Exc. 1, CACL Champion Class

Qarlotta received the title Champion of Luxemburg!!!

New video of Qarlotta in Training

Qarlotta received the title Champion of Germany (VDH)!!!

1st Memorial Massimo Santini, Cacib Carrara 2024

Youth Class: 


Exc. 2, R.JCAC (10 strong females in the class)


Working Class: 

Queen Qarlotta van het Wantij

Exc. 2, res. CAC 


Judge: Thomas Becht (DE) 

Frühjahrs-Ausstellung Dortmund 2024

Val di Vetro Fiore is Frühjahrsjugendsiegerin 2024!!! 

Exc. 1, FCI-CACIB-J 

New Picture of fedora

New healthresults:

Val di Vetro Federico HD A, ED 0

Val di Vetro Foksamita HD A, ED 0

Val di Vetro Fiore HD A

Val di Vetro Fati Amor HD A (free), PHVTL/PHPV 1, Katarakt/PRA free

Val di Vetro Fedora HD A, ED 0

Happy 10th birthday Franyo!!!

Qarlotta is Alpensiegerin & Ortenau-Siegerin!!!

Queen Qarlotta van het Wantij reached at the CACIB Offenburg 

Exc. 1, CAC, CACIB



Judge: Thomas Becht


Baronessa Bruna passed her IGP1!!!


Baronessa Bruna passed her IGP1!!!

S. A. S. Avvenire San Cesareo

Judge: Sig. A. di Girolamo


Dou Cacib Gdynia (Poland)


Queen Qarlotta van het Wantij in working class:

Day 1: 

Exc. 1, CWC, res.CACIB

Judge: Tatjana Urek Jipping (SI)


Day 2: 

Exc. 1, CWC, res.CACIB

Judge: Enrico Drudi (SM)

Qarlotta is currently dcm free!!!


Queen Qarlotta van het Wantij is currently DCM free tested!!!

(12/23) at the University in Pisa (AIAD Heart Project)

Donatella Versace passed Ztp with v1a!!!

Sez. AIAD Mondragone


Val di Vetro Donatella Versace passed her ZTP with V1A!!! 

Judge: Thomas Becht

Qarlotta passed IGP1!

Queen Qarlotta van het Wantij passed her IGP1 at Sez. AIAD Venturina! 


Judge: Clemente Grosso 

Ella got HD A & ED 0!!!

Val di Vetro Ella is free tested for HD & ED!


Father: AIAD CH Nilo van het Wantij

Mother: Ayla


CACIB Bleiswijk 2023

Val di Vetro Ernesto 

Intermedia class 

Exc. 1, CAC-res., CACIB

Val di Vetro Fati Amor 

Puppy class

VP 2


Judge: Jeanett Lemmeke

ZTP Kirchschlag & ÖDK Clubwinnershow 2023

Queen Qarlotta van het Wantij passed her ZTP with V1A!!!


At the ÖDK Clubwinnershow she reached the Exc. 1 & CACA in the open class!!! 

Val di Vetro Foksamita is now ÖDK Jüngstensieger 2023!!!


Judge: Armin Hoppe

AAron j'arun is aiad sieger 2023 + Champion class winner!!!

Val di vetro dio ares passed his ztp!!!

Cora passed her ZTP!!!

Cora passed her ZTP with SG1B!

Judge: Attilio Polifrone 

Helper: David Grassi


Elyse became Belgium Winner 2022 & Youth Champion of Belgium!!!

Results in Youth Class


123rd Brussel Dog Show
Exc. 1 (Judge: Mrs. Donne Lucas (ZA))


124th Brussel Dog Show
Exc. 1 (Judge: Mr. Fernando Madeira Rodrigues (PT))


125th Brussel Dog Show 

Exc. 1 (Judge: Mr. Marko Lepasaar (EE))

Capo got BIS!!!

Wholistic K9 Dobermann Specialty Show
CAPO by Val di Vetro kennel reached
Best in Show!!!

IDC 2022

Franyo Freiherr von Hohenzollern

IDC Veteranwinner

Progenygroup 2nd place

Aron J'Arun is a new Champion of Italy!!!

Aaron J'Arun

reached the title 

Champion of Italy!!!

Powered by:



Giovanni Creatini



Sonja Lanfer



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